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Some really strange ideas I have about what things (themes, characters, entire series) relate to what non-anime things and some arguments on why or what I really mean. I'm really going for non-obvious and wacky stuff, so there might be some reaching. But it's amusing -- to me.
A Big Table
I think... Is related to...
Tanya von Degurechaff from the Saga of Tanya the Evil Friedrich Nietzche's Übermensch because of their (he who reincarnated as she) denial of God, and general self-reliance.
Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Heinlein's A Stranger in a Strange Land since both seem to cover a lot about how the daily lives in their societies are shaped from the viewpoint of a stronger immigrant.
Char Aznable from Gundam The Red Baron from the First World War, since both:
  • have red craft
  • are noblemen
  • are exceptional pilots
  • serve an authoritarian regime
  • are known by popular nicknames (on both sides of their war) that mention redness
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