Because I can.
/home /experience /projects /skills /etc
Since this has a lot of disorganized miscellany, here are some filters that might help if they function and if they make sense to you. I only anticipate that the Scribblings below will increase, so the filters do not affect the other sections. The topics below include: Click on any to toggle whether it's displayed.
A bunch of iterator implementations in various languages to try out programming styles and the like.a Has a lot of (tested) code. Subject to many updates as I add more languages.
Interactive graph of a bunch of ring types. May include theorems should have decent references.
A rant about how I wish I learned Agda and things I wish were just written somewhere for the programmers who try. (Including what I hope is a large enough disclaimer to read the manual.)
A rant about the mathematical concepts I was not taught and the way they are described in the functional programming blog-o-sphere.
Lamentación de mi mala español y mi educación incompleto.
A quick'n'dirty site to draw Pascal's turtle (and explain it).
A collection of little (and large) articles on various programming concepts that interest me. If you don't like reading my writing please open a github issue about it, I'd love to hear from you, but please also consider watching the talks that motivated me to do this.
A dump of strange connections between anime and (mostly) non-anime stuff that I find interesting.
Some translations and commentary on JPop songs I've obsessed over.
Some comments urban planning from moving to Tokyo. (日本好きの夢を叶えた!)
Scribblings II: Coming to a site near you.
Mouse-free Fu
A progression from my normal windows usership to crazy Linux fandom laced with vim and tiling window managers.
The story of HackRU R&D.
物語アニメシリーズのまとめ。今はまだ終っていませんけどネタバレを隠すように作ってみました。 英語ですけど日本語の色々入いています。
A work-in-progress summary of the Bakemonogatari Anime series created to avoid revealing spoilers. It's in English, but with some Japanese stuff.
I try to play Go, but rarely have the time. Here I mean the boardgame. I'd refer to the programming language if it had generics. Feel free to challenge me!
I collect maps! Most are from family + friend's travels, so I haven't actually visited a bunch of the cool places mapped. Also, alas, I don't own all of these - some are just nice ones I found lying around in stores. Here's an online version (it's a lot less heavy this way).
Fanfiction etc.
(I'm not going to pretend any of this is worthy.) But, yes, I wrote fanfics. Quickly, since I didn't bother editing thoroughly (or at all, really). I suppose I should own up to it... here and a few here. After some prompting on r/writingPrompts, and some misplaced hopes, I also have a wattpad.
Since you already probably hate me for the fanfics, I got nothing to lose... I reddit.
実はアニメは日本語勉強の一部ですけど普通にアメリカでアニメを見る方々はそんなつもりで見ません。そのため、 Max cringe. My anime list. (今まで見ましたアニメ。)
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